
Hong Kong Barristers Mark Sutherland, Robert Tibbo and Valerie Lim Convicted of Misconduct

Disgusting Hong Kong Barrister Mark Sutherland By a Statement of Findings dated 2 April 2019, the Barristers Disciplinary Tribunal (“BDT”) found five complaints of misconduct against Mr Mark Richard Charlton Sutherland (“Mr Sutherland”) to have been proved. By Reasons for Sentence dated 18 July 2019 and Further Order dated 19 July 2019, the BDT ordered, inter alia, Mr Sutherland be suspended from practice as a barrister for a total period of 36 months, with effect from 9 August 2019.  Disgusting Hong Kong Barrister Robert Tibbo By a Statement of Findings dated 27 July 2017, the Barristers Disciplinary Tribunal found three (3) complaints of professional misconduct against Mr. Robert John Hugh Tibbo (“Mr Tibbo”) to have been proved.  Further, by Reasons for Sentence on the same date, the Barristers Disciplinary Tribunal ordered, inter alia. that Mr Tibbo be censured, and be advised as to conduct by the Chairman of the Bar Association, or his nominee.  Disgusting Hong Kong Barrister Valer

Olympia Chambers Barrister George Chu Guilty of Misconduct! 朱奉慈大律師俾大律師公會裁定違反專業操守停牌半年冇鬼用!

Olympia Chambers Barrister George Chu Guilty of Misconduct! 朱奉慈大律師俾大律師公會裁定違反專業操守停牌半年冇鬼用! South China Morning Post, 12 Feb 2000 (Cliff Buddle) 307891/barrister-barred- deceiving-university  Lawyer Counsel Barrister George Chu Barred for Deceiving University Lawyer Counsel Barrister George Chu (朱奉慈大律師) has been suspended for six months after a disciplinary tribunal found he pretended to have a first class honours degree when applying for a scholarship at the University of Hong Kong. George Chu Fung-chee, admitted to the Bar in 1994, also breached a promise to the university not to operate as a barrister once he became a post-graduate student, the Barristers' Disciplinary Tribunal found. The suspension was the long

Garden Chambers Barrister Dorothy Cheung Disgusting! 投訴香港大律師張曉惠!

Garden Chambers Barrister Dorothy Cheung Disgusting! 投訴香港大律師張曉惠! This is a formal complaint against Hong Kong Barrister  Dorothy Cheung  (張曉惠大律師)  of Garden Chambers, 15/F, Printing House, Central, Hong Kong, for she had dishonestly or otherwise knowingly given false evidence under oath before Barnes J in HCCC 312/2017 [2018] HKCFI 2711, resulting in her being disbelieved by Barnes J.   Hong Kong Barrister  Dorothy Cheung had thereby acted in breach of  paragraph 4.1(b) of the Bar Code . This public judgment says it all: - lrs/common/ju/ju_frame.jsp? DIS=119316&currpage=T 1.  The applicant Ma Ka Kin was originally jointly charged with one Hung Chi Him (“Ah Him”) with one count of trafficking in a dangerous drug (1,185 grammes of cocaine).  The charge was amended, leaving the applicant facing the charge alone.  The applicant pleaded guil

Harcourt Chambers Barrister Chow Hang Tung (A Twice Convicted Serial Criminal Who Had Brought The Hong Kong Bar Into Disrepute) Should be Struck Off!

Harcourt Chambers Barrister Chow Hang Tung (A Twice Convicted Serial Criminal Who Had Brought The Hong Kong Bar Into Disrepute) Should be Struck Off! See  WKCC 2595/2021  [2022] HKMagC 1 :  https://legalref.judiciary. hk/lrs/common/ju/ju_frame.jsp? DIS=141434&currpage=T See: news/hong-kong/law-and-crime/ article/3162045/tiananmen- vigil-hong-kong-activist- jailed-10-extra "A former vice-chairwoman of the group behind Hong Kong’s Tiananmen Square vigil has been ordered to serve 10 extra months behind bars on top of her existing one-year term, after a magistrate convicted her of inciting others to join last year’s banned event.  Chow Hang-tung, formerly affiliated with the now-disbanded Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China, was on Tuesday sentenced to 15 mont

Barristers Chua Guan Hock SC and Kerby Lau of Des Voeux Chambers (DVC) “unhelpful”, says [2018] HKCA 403 (Cheung, Yuen and Kwan JJA)

Barristers Chua Guan Hock SC and Kerby Lau of Des Voeux Chambers (DVC) “unhelpful”, says [2018] HKCA 403 (Cheung, Yuen and Kwan JJA) 8.   The defendant’s counsel cited a total of 38 cases in this application .  As stated in Practice Direction 2.1 §3(e), the skeleton submissions “should direct at helping the Court to determine whether grounds have been made out for the appeal to be heard by the Court of Final Appeal”.   It is unhelpful to load the submissions with copious authorities making more or less the same point in a number of instances . Written submissions by Barristers Mr Chua Guan Hock SC and Mr Kerby Lau, instructed by K B Chau & Co Solicitors, for the Defendant (Applicant)

We Must Investigate Denis Chang’s Chambers Barrister Paul Harris SC for His Suspected National Security Law Crimes

We Must Investigate Denis Chang’s Chambers Barrister Paul Harris SC for His Suspected National Security Law Crimes 仗義執言 - 葛珮帆立法會議員 - 徹查夏博義反中亂港 自詡「人權律師」的英國政客、香港大律師公會前主席夏博義,一直借「人權」問題干涉港府的政策實施,其出位言論更涉嫌違反《港區國安法》。日前被警方國安處警誡會面後,他行色匆匆搭乘前往土耳其的航班離開香港,輾轉返回英國。 夏博義披着法律外衣反中亂港,把持禍害香港法律司法界多年。香港回歸前,他已和英國的戴啟思等創辦「香港人權監察」,透過該組織大肆抹黑港府,更被揭發接受美國國家民主基金會(NED)的黑金撥款18年,合共高達1,482萬港元。2013年他發表《西藏是否具有民族自決權》文章,大肆為「藏獨」撐腰,稱西藏是「獨立國家」、中國「入侵」西藏。反修例暴動期間,他亦公然為黑暴護航。 上任大律師公會主席後,夏博義公然叫囂修訂《港區國安法》,多次質疑全國人大常委會權威,並為「港獨」分子張目,對執法者抹黑、對司法人士施壓,完全背離專業操守和職業良知,徹底喪失法治精神和法治原則,令大律師公會進一步沉淪。 市民本對夏博義接受警誡會面的消息感振奮,期望公義得到進一步彰顯。惟今次會面打草驚蛇,令他有機會即時離港,不用面對日後的調查,着實可惜,期望國安處繼續調查,當搜集到足夠證據,即時對其通緝。筆者亦希望日後倘若有同類事件時,國安處一搜集到若干證據,即把疑人拘捕並沒收旅遊證件,防止「走佬」,再展開深入調查。 年初杜淦堃當選大律師公會主席,夏博義黯然下台,期望大律師公會在其領導下早日走出政治化泥沼,回歸法律專業,透過熟悉普通法的優勢,做真正的法治維護者,重塑公會在司法領域的形象。

Denis Chang's Chambers Barrister Paul Harris SC Escaped From Hong Kong During The On-Going National Security Law Investigations Against Him - 1 March 2022

Denis Chang's Chambers Barrister Paul Harris SC Escaped From Hong Kong During The On-Going National Security Law Investigations Against Him - 1 March 2022 Hong Kong Bar Association’s former chairman fled the city hours after being questioned by police under a national security law that carries a maximum penality of life imprisonment. Paul Harris boarded a flight to the U.K. via Turkey on Tuesday, according to Wen Wei Po which is owned by Beijing’s liaison office in Hong Kong. The outlet published a video of the British citizen at the airport ignoring reporters’ questions. Harris confirmed to Reuters that he has left Hong Kong. Police had probed Harris on Tuesday in relation to Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor, the non-governmental organization he founded in 1995 before the city’s handover. The veteran human rights lawyer, who is fluent in Cantonese, was branded an “anti-China politician” by Beijing’s liaison office in Hong Kong last April after he criticized the sentencing of some 10