
Showing posts from December, 2021

Barrister K M Chong's Application Unmeritorious Contemptuous & Abusive, says a Deputy High Court Judge in KOO MING KOWN v. YOUNG KWOK HUNG CLEMENT AND OTHERS (HCA 1619 / 2014)

Barrister K M Chong's Application Unmeritorious Contemptuous & Abusive, says a Deputy High Court Judge in KOO MING KOWN v. YOUNG KWOK HUNG CLEMENT AND OTHERS  (HCA 1619 / 2014) Date of Decision:  14 August 2017 6.  It seemed to me that the Striking Out Application made by the team led by Mr K M Chong (comprising Mr K M Chong himself, Ms Emma Wong and Mr Darren Poon and P T Yeung & Tang) might be in contemptuous disregard of Master Chow’s Order and might itself constitute an abuse of the process of the court.  It cannot be over-emphasised that I was dealing with an application to strike out paragraphs in a pleading added pursuant to leave granted by Master Chow.  I was not dealing with an appeal from the Master’s decision. 7.  I asked Mr K M Chong to address me on why I sho

Abigail Wong, Parkside Chambers Barrister, Criticized by Judge Andrew Li in DCPI 1635/2019

Abigail Wong, Parkside Chambers Barrister, Criticized by Judge Andrew Li in DCPI 1635/2019 法官李樹旭批評律政司外聘的大律師黃紀怡花費一共 16 小時盤問一位證人(撇除午飯、休庭),其中有 81 分鐘用來問同一項目,認為她花費太長時間,再三提醒盤問時要實際。工程人員採訪被警毆打索償案-律政司花四天盤問-官斥用-81-分鐘問同一項目

Solicitor Joseph Tang Convicted of Misconduct for Delay in Paying Counsel!

Solicitor Joseph Tang Convicted of Misconduct for Delay in Paying Counsel! 鄧明輝事務律師遲找大律師費用俾香港律師會釘牌吊銷執業資格十二個月! 點解會有事務律師唔找或者遲找大律師嘅費用咁低能?會俾香港律師會釘牌嗰喎!Not paying Counsel's Fees or being late in paying Barristers is a serious act of misconduct punishable by suspension from practice! December 2012 - Disciplinary Decisions - Tang Ming Fai, Joseph (the Respondent) • Principles 6.04, 12.04 and 12.05 of the Hong Kong Solicitors’ Guide to Professional Conduct Volume 1 (“the Guide”)

Barrister James McGowan of Admiralty Chambers Admitted Misconduct in HKSAR v Apelete [2019] 5 HKLRD 574 [2019] HKCA 1189

Barrister  James McGowan of Admiralty Chambers Admitted Misconduct in HKSAR v Apelete [2019] 5 HKLRD 574 [2019] HKCA 1189 36. Before us, Mr McGowan candidly admitted that his actions (or lack thereof) were such as to bring him within the meaning of s.18 of the CCCO. In particular, he accepted that on his part there had been undue delay as well as a repeated failure to comply with the Court's directions, which amounted to serious professional misconduct.

Cap Chan & Co Solicitors (陳少青律師事務所) Ordered to Pay Wasted Costs for Conducting Hopeless Proceedings - So Kam (蘇金) v Guildford Ltd [2021] 2 HKLRD 319 [2021] HKDC 340 - HHJ Andrew Li

Cap Chan & Co Solicitors ( 陳少青律師事務所 ) Ordered to Pay Wasted Costs for Conducting Hopeless Proceedings - So Kam ( 蘇金 ) v Guildford Ltd [2021] 2 HKLRD 319 [2021] HKDC 340 - HHJ Andrew Li

C W Chan & Co Solicitors’ Lawyer C W Chan (Chan Chun Wa) Has a Misconduct Issue - 陳俊華律師操守有問題大家小心啲!

C W Chan & Co Solicitors’ Lawyer C W Chan (Chan Chun Wa) Has a Misconduct Issue  陳 俊華律師操守有問題大家小心啲 !