Solicitor Au Wing Lun William - Nonsensical, Defies Common Sense, The Most Absurd Submission Ever Heard, Appalling, Abuse of Process - 區穎麟律師知唔知醜㗎!

Solicitor Au Wing Lun William - Nonsensical, Defies Common Sense, The Most Absurd Submission Ever Heard, Appalling, Abuse of Process - 區穎麟律師知唔知醜㗎!

AU WING LUN v. TAM MEI KAM AND OTHERS [2007] HKCFI 719; HCA 811/2007 (13 July 2007)

Before : Hon Poon J in Chambers

Plainly, the relationship between Mr Au and the Mother, together with the requisite trust and confidence which is essential to the relationship, has completely collapsed. In my view, the rent in the parties’ relationship is so deep that it is simply impossible for the Mother to continue to place any trust or confidence in Mr Au. When that very basis is gone, how can Mr Au continue to act for the Mother in the Probate Action? Mr Au suggested that he can do so and protect her interests without taking instructions from her and despite her objection. This is simply nonsensical. It defies common sense, rocks the very foundation of a solicitor-client relationship and destroys the very freedom that a client enjoys in choosing his own lawyer. It is indeed the most absurd submission that I have ever heard. It really appals me that such a suggestion could have come from the mouth of a practicing solicitor.

This is a wholly unmeritorious application. It is indeed an abuse of process. I will order costs against Mr Au on an indemnity basis, to be taxed if not agreed and to be paid forthwith.


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